Geaux Far Louisiana strategic plan retreat

Geaux Far Louisiana is a coalition of members who believe in an equitable, unified early childhood system centering racial equity and ensuring families access to seamless, high-quality early child development, health, and educational services.

• Interview coalition members, edit footage, and design data collected by steering committee members.

• Design Strategic Plan Booklet to raise money and highlight an equitable, unified, child- and family-centered early childhood system that focuses on racial equity.

Social Media Branding

Louisiana's youngest children and their families should be thriving, not just surviving. Yet, too many families with children, prenatal to age five, struggle to access the information, resources, networks, programs, and services they need during the earliest years of their child’s life. In Louisiana, our systems are disjointed, under-resourced, and not sufficiently responsive to families.

Publishing Projects

In Summer of 2022, on behalf of the Geaux Far Steering Committee, the Power Coalition for Equity & Justice went back to communities to share the draft plan and ensure it matched their truths and aspirations during ground-truthing sessions.

I.) Strategic Plan

II.) A-Z Coloring Book

Designer: Cenna Mawhinney
Creative Director: Carlos Zamora
Illustrations: Maria Lopez, Alejandro Fornés, Zach Gzehoviak, Reilando, and Carlos Zamora
Proofreading: Francie Futterman


Beloved Community Sustaining Change Conference


Tiny Chef Adventures